Managing Rules

Tyler Ellis Updated by Tyler Ellis

Managing Rules

In order to allow for flexibility on certain settings, Modern Dropship has rules that can be customized at both the company and partnership level to assist with ensuring data is synced correctly for each partner. Buyers will manage the majority of these rules, but some are available to the seller as well.

In order to manage these rules effectively you will need to know the consequences of each rule and how to manage them. To get started, you can visit the Rules Settings in your dashboard:

Company level Rules

Company rules are applied evenly to all partnerships unless there is a specific partnership setting that overrides it
  • Allow Overselling - If enabled, allow products to sell regardless of inventory (only applicable if the seller has overselling turned on in their platform)
  • Sync Product Tax Status - If your seller has a product marked as taxable in Shopify, we will sync that through
  • Use Retail Price for Compared At - Sync retail price from your seller's price list to the compared-at field (If you would like to mirror your seller's compared-at price, you can set this up in your partnership settings)
  • Sync Shipping Lines on Orders - Includes the shipping rate name in the order details. Both buyer and seller must have this setting enabled for shipping lines to be added to each order

Partner level Rules:

Partner level rules only affect the partnership they are enabled on

Require Fulfillment Tracking information - If enabled, tracking codes and carrier names will be required for all fulfillments

Sync Seller Compare at Price - If enabled, sync the seller's Compare-At Price for each product as long as it is lower than the retail price

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