Getting Started on Modern Dropship
Passwordless Sign-in
Step by Step for Buyer Onboarding
Step by Step for Seller Onboarding
Successful Support Interactions
System Status
Adding Barcode Values in WooCommerce
Connecting WooCommerce
How can I confirm that Modern Dropship can pull my Products from my WooCommerce Store?
Updating your WooCommerce URL
Magento 2
CSV managed account
Connecting through SFTP
Downloadable Image Links
Fixing SKUs in Scientific Notation
How to Resolve " Your SFTP user requires delete permission on your SFTP server."
How to Resolve "Unable to access your SFTP server"
How to Resolve "Your SFTP user requires read permission on your SFTP server"
How to Resolve "Your SFTP user requires write permission on your SFTP server."
Importing Products using a CSV file in the Modern Dropship web app
Manual Fulfillment
Building API Integrations
Getting Started with Webhooks
Getting Started with the Buyer API
How to Create an Order for the Buyer API
Webhook FAQ
Connecting through Seller EDI - Invoice (810) Specification
Connecting through Seller EDI for Dropship
Connecting through Seller EDI for Dropship - Advance Ship Notice (856) Specification
Connecting through Seller EDI for Dropship - Inventory Update (846) Specification
Connecting through Seller EDI for Dropship - Purchase Order (850) Specification
Connecting through Seller EDI for Dropship - Purchase Order Acknowledgements (855) Specification
Downloading EDI Files
How to Create a Test Order as an EDI Seller
How to Resend an Advance Ship Notice
How to Resolve "Already Processed Files"
Seller EDI Quick Reference
EDI - Fall 2024 and later
Advance Ship Notice (856) Specification
Connecting through Seller EDI
Inventory Update (846) Specification
Invoice (810) Specification
Purchase Order (850) Specification
Purchase Order Acknowledgements (855) Specification
Seller EDI Quick Reference: Fall 2024 and later
Migrating Ecommerce Platforms
Supported Connection Methods
Account Management
Connecting Easypost
How to Change Your Commerce Type
Integrating your CRM
Inviting Team Members
Managing Issues
Managing Multiple Accounts
Managing Notifications
Setting Billing Address
Viewing Subscription Info
Actions & Action Templates
Adding Partners
How to Determine the Remaining onboarding steps for a Partner
Seller SLAs
Autonomous Merchandising
Buyer Product Validation Guide
Exclusive Collaborations - Syncing Unpublished Products
How Inventory Sync Works
How to Solve Shopify "Item Not Recognized" Error
Marking Products as Active or Inactive
Selecting Products
Create a Price List For a Smaller Catalog
Editing Price Lists
How to Set Up Pricing
Price List FAQs
Promotional Price Lists and Discounts
Cancelling Orders
Check Order Status
Fixing an Order Sync Timeout Error
Fulfilling orders from your ecommerce platform
Handling Returns
Packing Slips - Buyers
Packing Slips - Sellers
Sending Test Orders
Configuring Per-Order Fees
How Invoicing Works
How to Delay an Invoice
Partnership Billing Settings
Understanding Per-Order Fees
General Dropship Information
- All Categories
- Partners
- Seller SLAs
Seller SLAs
Adding Seller Service Level Agreements (SLA)
Buyers are able to create and measure Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for their sellers (vendors). This allows buyers to enforce accountability in their individual relationships with sellers.
Seller responsibilities such as fulfilling orders and providing quality products with low return rates are core drivers of customer experience. Once an SLA is established, buyers can determine whether their expectations have been met in ensuring a great customer experience.
Service levels are established company-wide and then measured on a per-seller basis.
There are currently two variables enforceable through SLAs:
- Ship Times
- Return Rates
Maximum limits for each component of the SLA must be set in order to measure whether the SLA has been met by the seller.
The following steps describe how to configure your SLA within Modern Dropship:
Step 1: Determine Your Expectations
Firstly, service level expectations must be clarified and provided to sellers who will be measured against them. It is important to establish expectations that are aligned to the industry and types of products that are offered to end customers. Each industry and product-types tend to have their own service level expectations. It is recommended to utilize the average service level expectations of your industry if no other expectations have been set.
Step 2: Head To Settings
To create your SLA, head to the Settings setion and navigate to the Service Levels tab. You will see two fields for Ship Time and Return Rate, respectively.
Step 3: Maximum Ship Time
Ship times are measured by the time between an order being received by the buyer and the seller marking the order as shipped within Modern Dropship.
Input the maximum ship time allowed in order to create a Ship Time SLA.
Step 4: Maximum Return Rate
Return rates are measured by dividing the number of a seller's orders returned by the number of orders fulfilled.
Input the maximum return rate allowed in order to create a Return Rate SLA.
Step 5: Saving Your SLA Settings
Once your SLA expectations have been set, click "Save" in the top-right corner in order to save your settings.
Measuring Performance
Once your SLAs have been created, each seller partnered with you will be measured against them.
You can measure the performance of each of your sellers in the Partners tab.
Next Steps
By now you will have established your seller SLAs. If you would like to enforce additional SLA criteria, please relay your feedback to your Modern Dropship account manager and we'll work to incorporate more seller SLAs in the future.