Table of Contents

Packing Slips - Buyers

You can now ask sellers to include branded packing slips with your orders. This guide covers how to upload your logo for branding and how to get started.

To setup packing slips, login to your Modern Dropship account, and navigate to Settings using the side-bar on the left.

Click the Company Profile tab and scroll down to the Company Logo section. Click the Update Logo button to select an image (JPG, JPEG, and PNG images are supported).

After selecting an image, you should see a preview of your logo appear to the right.

Next, you will want to fill in the Company Marketing Name in your settings. This name will appear on the packing slip.

Make sure to save the changes by clicking the Save button at the bottom of the settings page.

Note: The ideal dimensions for the uploaded logo are 300(width) x 120(height). If you need to re-size your logo in order to fit the dimensions, one useful tool is

Notifying Sellers

Links to download packing slips are automatically sent to sellers via order notes. Further details on how that works available here.

How did we do?

Handling Returns

Packing Slips - Sellers
