Create a Price List For a Smaller Catalog

Tyler Ellis Updated by Tyler Ellis

Create a Price List For a Smaller Catalog

By default, when a seller connects Modern Dropship to their ecommerce platform we upload all products that are visible on their storefront to our platform. While this is a convenient default for sellers who wish to share their entire catalog with buying partners, some sellers only want to upload a small curation of products within the larger catalog. We have created a solution to enable this workflow for those sellers.

  1. Create a 'Product Collection' in their Shopify Admin. You can find detailed instructions in Shopify's support documentation, which explains how to set this up. This collection should only contain the products you want synced to Modern Dropship.
  2. Next, you need to retrieve the Collection ID from the URL (in the example below: 268630687813) for their selected products and provide this to our support team (
    One important note here is that once we specify syncing from that specific collection ALL the other products will become deactivated in Modern Dropship (same behavior as if they were deleted from your store).
  3. Once you have touched base with our team and we confirm the collection has been uploaded successfully you will still need to ensure you have created a price list and assigned that list to your partner. A guide to this process can be found here.

Once you have assigned that price list containing all SKUs you want sold on the partnership you can reach out to your partner and let them know your catalog is ready for selection.

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Editing Price Lists
