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Sending Test Orders

Tyler Ellis Updated by Tyler Ellis

Now that you have setup your partner, your products have synced through from your platform, and you have created a price list, it's best practice to send a test order. Here are the steps for submitting a test order:

Visit the Get Started page

After you have completed the steps listed above, you will be able to run a Test Order from the Getting Started page. In the tab showing below you will first select a Price List that includes a product you would like to test. From there you can select the product from the dropdown:

If you have already completed this tile on your get started page, please reach out to and we can enable the test order option for you.

Create the order

Select the SKU and quantity you would like to test and you can hit the 'Place Test Order' button

Sync the order

Once you have placed the test order it will show up in the Orders section of your Modern Dropship dashboard. You will need to select the 'Sync the Test Order to my Platform' option before it will appear in your ecommerce platform

Fulfill the order

To test order syncing to your platform go ahead and use the Sync button at the top of the page. This order will be synced in the next order sync (usually within 15 minutes). In order to sync the fulfillment status from your ecommerce platform you will need to mark the order as Fulfilled (Completed on some platforms) and ensure that the fulfillment details include a Carrier Name and Tracking Number. This is required to sync the order status back to Modern Dropship. More information on this process can be found in this guide.

Review fulfillment

Once you have marked the order as fulfilled you will see those details synced back to Modern Dropship. These details will automatically sync to your partner and their platform where they will be responsible for notifying the customer. At this point you have completed the Test Order process and are ready to transact for real!

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