
Modern Dropship Chat is machine learning powered chat feature offering our customers various helpful capabilities alongside the app. The purpose of chat is to make getting questions about using Modern Dropship, onboarding with new trading partners and making sense of the data in your account easy.

Accessing Chat

Every Modern Dropship buyer and seller has access to chat. To use it, click the chat bubble in the bottom right of any page in the app:

Once you click on the chat bubble, the chat window will open. You can optionally expand it by clicking on the expand button in the top right.

When you first open chat, there are three options for the topic that you can choose to focus on. When you close chat using the black and white X icon in the bottom right, re-opening chat will allow you to restart the conversation with a new topic. As long as you leave chat open, it will remain focused on the original topic.

Chat Topics

The three topics you can choose to focus on are:

1. Modern Dropship Support -> Choosing this topic will allow you ask questions about Modern Dropship usage, and will draw upon answers from all of our documentation. This is helpful for if you get stuck while onboarding and have a question about the app, platform and how it all works and fits into your task at hand.

2. Partner Onboarding -> Choosing the onboarding topic will give you the ability to chat with any documentation that your trading partner has uploaded. This could include anything from their promotional scheduling, margin expectations, logistics requirements, legal terms and conditions, picking and packing process and more.

3. Insights Mode -> Choosing insights will allow you to ask questions about your underlying order and partnership data in the Modern Dropship system. For example, if you want to understand how your sales so far this month compare to last month at the same time, you can just ask for it and Insights Mode will answer your question.

Feedback and Quality

All three topics connect with large language models that are customized to help you attain the goals you might have in discussing that topics. Occasionally they will offer inaccurate information, you're always welcome to try wording your question a different way or contacting our team is something doesn't look right to you.

We continuously monitor the quality of answers and specific answers to improve the experience, and also offer a way to give feedback in the app:

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