Table of Contents

Connecting BigCommerce

The purpose of this guide is to detail the steps of connecting Modern Dropship with your BigCommerce store.

Step One: Connect Platform

If you’re using BigCommerce, ensure that you selected BigCommerce when your company was created. There are two methods for connecting your BigCommerce integration. The first is through the getting started page.

The second method is visiting the Integration Settings, and you should see a section that says Connect your BigCommerce Store. If you are unable to enter your BigCommerce credentials, please contact

You will also need to provide the URL of your store during sign up.

Tip: The format of the store URL you will need is https://(store-id)

In order to connect with your store, we will need three pieces of information:

  • Company Hash
  • Client ID
  • API Access Token

The steps needed to obtain this information are described below.

Step Two: Create an API Account

Modern Dropship needs permissions from you when you create your API Account.

First, login to your BigCommerce store. Head to the left-hand dashboard.

Navigate to Settings:

Then to API Accounts at the bottom of your Settings page:

Then click the "Create API account" button:

Select "V2/V3 API token":

Step Three: Grant Permissions

Next you need to set your permissions. The red highlights show this information below (Orders/modify, Order Transactions/modify, Products/modify):

BigCommerce API Permissions

Click save. You will be presented with a popup displaying your Client ID, Client Secret and Access Token.

Navigate to Modern Dropship > Settings > Integrations and copy/paste your Client ID and Access Token and click Save Credentials:

Your BigCommerce Store will now be successfully connected to Modern Dropship:

Tip: Within 20 minutes, your products will be visible within the Products tab.

Next Steps

With your BigCommerce store now connected, we will be able to sync your information with your partners.

By default, we will sync active products, inventory counts, and order fulfillments. When your buyer receives or directly submits an order for your product, we will pass that order back into your store so that you can fulfill it.

Next, you'll want to set your pricing. You can do so on the Prices page.

Tip: You can also refer to our Pricing Guide for steps on how to setup your prices.
Tip: If you need to white-list our services in your firewall, our requests originate from

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