How can I confirm that Modern Dropship can pull my Products from my WooCommerce Store?

It's a great question and how we do this is no secret. We are pulling products from the WooCommerce API. You can find the documentation for V2 here. If your store isn't setup correctly, we cannot sync your products.

What about retries?

We run our product syncs every single hour. It's safe to say if products are not in on your Modern Dropship products page within 2 hours after you've made corrections on WooCommerce, then the store specific setup issues have not be resolved.

How can this be confirmed?

You can replicate what we are doing by making an API request with your details. There are multiple REST Client tools available, and the screenshot below is Postman.

Let's breakdown what's happening above

  1. This should be set to "GET". This known through the API documents.
  2. This is your store url plus "/wp-json/wc/v2/products". Again, we know this through the API documents.
  3. For the authentication, you should set type as "Basic Auth" (on the left). You will need to set your consumer key in the top textbox and consumer secret in bottom one. These are the same credentials you provide Modern Dropship during onboarding.
  4. This is the status code. Without getting into too many details, "Status: 200" means the request was successful and a response was received (not necessarily the correct response). "Status: 404" means your store URL was not found. You most likely need to confirm section #2. "Status: 403" is unauthorised and your credentials are not correct.
  5. This is the actual response. In the example above, we are receiving HTML code back. This is wrong. Below is an example of a correct response.

This is what the JSON response would look like:

How can this be fixed?

It's challenging for us to know specifically what is and isn't setup correctly in your store. Your best resource for moving forward is the documentation by WooCommerce. You can use the tools above to verify setup, but your best next steps will come from WooCommerce.

Thanks for reading! If you did encounter this issue and resolved, let us know. We can update this support document and it could help others.

How did we do?

Connecting WooCommerce

Updating your WooCommerce URL
