How to Determine the Remaining onboarding steps for a Partner

You can determine the remaining onboarding steps for a partner in two ways:

  • Modern Dropship app under Partners Page
  • Partners API

Getting started is another term we use to describe onboarding.

Modern Dropship App

Start by signing into the Modern Dropship app. On the left side, navigate to the Partners page. You can view the list of remaining step on the right side of the page. Each incomplete step is listed.

Modern Dropship API

You can do this through to methods: GET /partners, or GET /partners/:id. If you have the partnership ID, use GET /partners/:id. Otherwise, you will need to iterate through list of partners.

Below is a sample API response for the GET /partners/:id.

"_id": "5f10b1c80f7a22222293145f",
"active": true,
"averageReturnRate": 0.1,
"averageShipTime": 60.3,
"billing": true,
"billingSettings": {
"autoTax": true,
"enablePaymentTerms": true,
"generateOrderInvoices": true,
"paymentTerms": {
"numBillingDelayDays": 0
"postInvoices": true
"buyerAssignedCode": "Supplier-ABC",
"buyerCompanyId": "buyer-com",
"buyerCompanyObjectId": "5f10b1c80f7a222222931422",
"buyerName": "Marketplace XYZ",
"buyerOnboardingCompleted": false,
"buyerOrderPlatform": "Shopify",
"buyerProductPlatform": "Shopify",
"companyId": "seller-com",
"created": "2020-07-01T13:41:00.000+0400",
"custom": [
"key": "string",
"type": "string",
"value": "string"
"effectiveShippingSettings": {
"shippingLabelOwner": "string"
"email": "",
"gettingStarted": {
"actionsAssigned": {
"required": false,
"status": "completed"
"activeProducts": {
"required": false,
"status": "completed"
"addBillingAddress": {
"required": false,
"status": "completed"
"addPaymentMethod": {
"required": false,
"status": "completed"
"addReturnsAddress": {
"required": false,
"status": "completed"
"addShippingAddress": {
"required": false,
"status": "completed"
"configureEDISettings": {
"required": false,
"status": "completed"
"connectBigCommerce": {
"required": false,
"status": "completed"
"connectEasyPost": {
"required": false,
"status": "completed"
"connectMagento2": {
"required": false,
"status": "completed"
"connectPlatform": {
"required": false,
"status": "completed"
"connectShopify": {
"required": false,
"status": "completed"
"connectStripe": {
"required": false,
"status": "completed"
"connectWooCommerce": {
"required": false,
"status": "completed"
"createCSVMappings": {
"required": false,
"status": "completed"
"createExternalSFTPCredentials": {
"required": false,
"status": "completed"
"createSFTPCreds": {
"required": false,
"status": "completed"
"createdPriceList": {
"required": false,
"status": "completed"
"doneCount": 0,
"ediSchemaSetup": {
"required": false,
"status": "completed"
"enableSSO": {
"required": false,
"status": "completed"
"invitePartners": {
"required": false,
"status": "completed"
"inviteTeam": {
"required": false,
"status": "completed"
"requiredCount": 0,
"shippingMethods": {
"required": false,
"status": "completed"
"signedUp": false,
"testOrder": {
"required": false,
"status": "completed"
"uploadSFTPFile": {
"required": false,
"status": "completed"
"viewEDISpecifications": {
"required": false,
"status": "completed"
"invited": true,
"merchandisingSettings": {
"addSellerGpcProductTag": true,
"addSellerNameProductTag": true,
"bodyHtmlTemplate": "string",
"defaultProductTags": [
"imageSettings": {
"backgroundColor": "string",
"fitHeight": 0,
"fitWidth": 0,
"removeBackground": true
"predictCategory": true,
"pushSellerProductUpdates": true,
"removeSellerProductTags": true,
"seoTitleTemplate": "string",
"titleTemplate": "string",
"translationSettings": {
"locales": [
"translateBody": true,
"translateTitle": true
"metafields": {
"additionalProp": {
"additionalProp": {
"description": "string",
"updated": "string",
"value": "string"
"priceListName": "Wholesale Pricing",
"pricingId": "abc123",
"pricingMarginMax": 20,
"pricingMarginMin": 10,
"reference": "string",
"requireFulfillmentTrackingInfo": false,
"sellerAssignedCode": "Customer-ABC",
"sellerCompanyId": "seller-com",
"sellerCompanyObjectId": "5f10b1c80f7a222222931411",
"sellerName": "Fred's Shoe Co.",
"sellerOnboardingCompleted": false,
"sellerOrderPlatform": "Shopify",
"sellerProductPlatform": "Shopify",
"shippingMethods": [
"carrierNames": [
"companyId": "string",
"createdAt": "string",
"description": "string",
"id": "string",
"maxDays": 0,
"updatedAt": "string"
"shippingSettings": {
"shippingLabelOwner": "string"
"updated": "2020-07-01T13:41:00.000+0400"

Within the partner object, the field named "gettingStarted" represents remaining onboarding tasks. Within this field, the key is the step reference, the value is an object representing details about the step. Within the object, there is:

  • Required - If true, this step must be completed by your partner to transact with Modern Dropship. If false, the step is optional.
  • Status - If the status is blank, the step can be skipped by your partner (It doesn't relate to their platform or yours). If incomplete, it has yet to be accomplished. If completed, the step is done and ready to go.

The same response object as above can be found on the Developer docs page. It's on the right side, if you click on "200".

Thanks for reading!

How did we do?

Adding Partners

Seller SLAs
