Exclusive Collaborations - Syncing Unpublished Products

Sellers using an ecommerce platform such as Shopify, WooCommerce, and BigCommerce can now sync "unpublished" products into Modern Dropship. Here's a walkthrough on how to do this in Shopify:

This allows you to make products available to your Modern Dropship partners without having to publish those products to your consumer-facing store. We often see this used to make "exclusive" products available for certain partners.

To access this toggle, go to the Integrations tab within Settings. You'll see a toggle to enable:

How does syncing work?

For each platform, we've included a screenshot below to help find where these values are.

By default, all companies have this toggled off which means we do not sync unpublished products. Based on your platform, you can expect the following products to sync:

  • For Shopify, we sync products that are considered "active". If they are in an inactive/draft state, they cannot by synced to Modern Dropship.
  • For Magento2, we sync products that have the visibility of Search, Catalog or both Search and Catalog.
  • For WooCommerce, we sync products that have the state available. These are products that are public and published in your store.
  • For BigCommerce, we sync products that can be purchased in your online store by default. This detail can be found in "Purchasability" section of a individual product page.

When the "Sync Unpublished Products" toggled on, you can expect the following behavior based on your platform:
  • For Shopify, we sync products that are considered either published or unpublished. For unpublished products, we only sync those that are in an active state.
  • For Magento2, we sync products that have their visibility set to "Search", "Catalog", "Search & Catalog" and "Not Visible".
  • For WooCommerce, we will sync products that are published. It doesn't matter if they are private or public. If they are in a pending review or draft state, we do not sync them.
  • For BigCommerce, we will sync products that are in any of the purchasability state. These are "this product can be purchased in my online store", "this product is coming soon but I want to take pre-orders", or "this product cannot be purchased in my online store".

If you registered for a Modern Dropship account as a seller and selected Big Commerce before February 15, 2023, we have enabled this toggle by default. This was the behavior before and we have kept it consistent. All new users will have it toggled off.


You can see on the right side when selecting into a product. The active status and the availability of the product.


You can see the visibility status in the product attributes when opening an individual product.


You can view the visibility by selecting into a product.

Big Commerce

You can view the "Purchasability" section by selecting into a product.

How did we do?

Buyer Product Validation Guide

How Inventory Sync Works
